Wednesday, 4 May 2016

10 Terrifying V@gina Facts That Will Shock You: (9&8 Very Amazing)

It will interest you know that the female reproduction organ is not only for s@xu@l intercourse or for birthing, far more than that as you will discover some 10 terrifying facts about the female’s organ that will brow your mind.
10. Do you know it Can Fall Out?
It will shock many of you to know that V@gin@ can fall out of its wall. It is very common nowadays to discover falling V@gin@;
it is an established fact that 1 in 10 women will require surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. In the most severe form of prolapse, a grade 4, the walls of the V@gin@ unfortunately sit outside the body
 How does this happen? In the female body structure, the pelvic region is held together by fascia, ligaments, and most importantly muscles. When any of these support structures are weakened or destroy, the bladder, rectus, or uterus pushes forcefully against the wall and the walls of the V@gin@ is collapsed. This usually occur among other medical proven effect of complicated childbirth, high or excessive body mass, hysterectomy, and the side effects of aging.
According to research; “Prolapse has plagued women since V@gin@ were invented. As women live longer, the rates of prolapse have actually increased, but treatment options have also improved. Today, most moderate to severe prolapse is supported by an internal pessary or corrected via surgery. Postpartum women are also encouraged to exercise their vaginas via a Kegel to keep the muscles strong and supportive”.
9. Women do not Pee with their V@gin@
Despite the misconceptions of many men and some women alike that the V@gin@ is an organ for urinating/ pee, not at all; according to study, when the bladder stores or collects the urine together, then the urine passes through their urethra, not their V@gin@. However, some unfortunate women do leak urine through the wrong hole due to medical malfunction. The urogenital fistula is a fissure between the bladder and V@gin@, usually caused by long, obstructed labor. Indeed, 75% of women with fistula labored 3 or more days. The prolonged positioning of the (usually stillborn) baby in the birth canal can wear out this hole. This is a medical malfunctioning- fistulas cause an involuntary and continuous loss of urine through the V@gin@ i.e when the urethra which actually use for urinating started to licking then can urine passes through the V@gin@.
“Over one million women worldwide still suffer from urethra complications and their lives are virtually ruined. Luckily, a surgery can correct it, but a lack of money and resources leaves many women plagued and ostracized for life”.
8. V@gin@ serves as a storehouse.
For some criminals, the vagina is the perfect secret purse. The walls of the vagina easily expand to accommodate sxxx and childbirth, so why not to store other things? For example, in 2011 a Scranton burglar admitted to hiding 54 bags of heroin and $51.22 in her vagina. That gives a new meaning to the term “loose change.”
I imagine hiding heroin and change is more pleasant than smuggling guns or jewelry. In 2014, a corrections officer spotted a loaded gun in a 19 year old woman’s V@gin@ after she was arrested for driving with a suspended license. And that same year, a Las Vegas masseuse was caught stealing a customer’s $35,000 rolex and storing it in her lady bits. Ouch.
7. It Can Ooze “White Flowers”
There are many antibiotics that we must be thankful to because most V@gin@ infections which cause excessive discharge among the women folks are easily treated nowadays especially in the advance country. Unfortunately, for most of human history, they were not much advance antibiotics, and women folks suffered for years with copious, smelly secretions. Traditionally, this viscid vaginal discharge was called “white flowers” also known as leucorrhea in today’s current terminology.
Even though vaginal discharge can be caused by many underlying ailments, such as sxxxually transmitted disease- STDs or various bacterial infections, in the pre–20th century, doctors considered it a separate disease and even believed sitting too much could cause it.
“White flowers” are extremely common nowadays. All social classes were affected both the poor and the rich, but mostly; the poor were often singled out as victims.Women sought out various folk remedies, such as eating white sausage and boiled white lilies, but ignorance of leukorrhea’s myriad causes meant little could be done.
6. It Can Grow Teeth
A V@gin@ dentata story originated in many cultures. In variations of this tale, an angry V@gin@ threatens to castrate unfortunate men. Although a dangerous toothed V@gin@ is a myth, technically, a V@gin@ can grow teeth—sort of. In extremely rare instances a dermoid cyst arising from pleuripotential cells may develop in the female reproductive organs. These cysts can grow skin, sebacious glands, hair, bone, even brain.
Dermoid cysts develop in almost any part of the body, including ovaries. Therefore, a V@gin@ can contain teeth if a dermoid cyst on the ovary ruptures and works its way downward. This is extremely rare. It is also benign. As for the mythic vagina dentata, a V@gin@ can’t cut off a man’s pennnnis, unless of course Lorena Bobbit is around. Ouch.
5. One Can Be Born Without a V@gin@.
V@gin@l agenesis is a congenital disorder caused by the incomplete development of the muscular canal connecting the cervix to the vulva, i.e. the V@gin@. It is thought to affect 1 out of 5,000 women. Sometimes this V@gin@l agenesis shortened V@gin@, other times it results to a woman not having a V@gin@. The extreme type of V@gin@l agenesis is called Mayer-Von Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser’s syndrome. Usually, this easy to pronounce syndrome is not diagnosed at birth because the external genitalia appear normal. It is noticeable during puberty as the affected lack signs of a period during puberty. That’s the first sign. A woman born without a V@gin@ does not mean she’s doom; these women can still live an asexxxual life. A vaginoplasty can also surgically recreate a V@gin@ on a 50:50 chance. Luckily, the clitoris is unaffected and a woman with a surgically created V@gin@ can still experience orgasm. If her uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes are normal, she may even become pregnant.
4. Some Women Don’t Know the Cervix is supposed to be in There
The V@gin@ is a pouch with two openings— the vulva and labia decorate the entrance and the cervix guards the interior exit. The cervix feels like the tip of a nose and contains a small hole that dilates during childbirth, but then narrows again. You cannot lose anything in the V@gin@ because it will not fit through a closed cervix. In other words, microscopic sperm can find their way through, but a tampon cannot.
Some women are so unfamiliar with their anatomy, they try to pull out their own cervix, thinking it is a stuck tampon or diaphragm or who knows what. Indeed, one woman accidentally pulled on her cervix with her husband’s pliers in an attempt to remove a phantom tampon. She required reconstructive surgery. If you need to find something you accidentally forgot you stuck up there, use your fingers, please. You might also consider buying a purse.
3. A Sealed Hymen Can Cause Harm
The hymen is a fringe of tissue that lines the V@gin@l opening, usually containing a hole the size of a finger to allow the flow of menstrual blood and healthy V@gin@l discharge. Eventually, via tampon use, intercourse, childbirth, and other physical activities, parts of the hymen tear away. The hymen’s elasticity and thickness varies according to genetics, and, despite misconceptions, is not a universal marker of virginity.
Practically all women are born with a hymen, but an unlucky few are born with a sealed hymen, also called an imperforate hymen. This happens in 0.05% of women. Like V@gin@l agenesis, an imperforate hymen usually remains a mystery until puberty. Symptoms of an imperforate hymen include primary amenorrhea (not getting a period), abdominal pain, urinary retention, constipation, and a lower abdominal mass. This is all caused by the backup of menstrual blood. Thankfully, an imperforate hymen is easily opened surgically to allow the blood to drain, which is one of the more mortifying ways to start your first period.
2. Women Thought Cleaning It with Lysol was a Good Idea
In the early twentieth century, Lysol aggressively and successfully marketed its disinfectant as a V@gin@l douche. Seriously, For the record, shooting an antiseptic soap into the V@gin@ is a bad idea. Gynecologists do not recommend douching because it alters the vaginal flora and can, ironically, cause an infection.
1. Everyone Thought It Was An Inside-Out Penis

As recently as the 17th century, doctors and midwives assumed the V@gin@ and all other female reproductive organs were an inside-out version of men’s anatomy. This odd oversight dates back to the Greeks, who also thought a woman’s womb wandered throughout her body. They believed the V@gin@ was the pennnis, and the ovaries or uterus were interior scrotum, also producing “seed.” They also saw men and women as versions of one sexxx, the female version an undeveloped replica of the male. In this way men and women weren’t dramatically different creatures, but rather unequal parts of the same human cosmology. Unsurprisingly, medical care in the pre-modern era was iffy at best.

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